A beginning to end guide to vertical garden installation
A simple way to quickly and professionally build a vertical garden. How do you make a vertical garden? How do you build a green wall? Which panels should you use to construct vertical gardens? You will find all the answers to some of the most common questions we are asked in this short video.
Quick assembly walls
Mobile green walls are an easy and quick solution for those who are not able to connect their walls directly to water or drainage. They can be placed almost anywhere, including exhibitions. We hope this video will inspire you!
How to make a vertical garden yourself using our kits
Is it easy to make a vertical garden? Are your kits easy to use?
We think that the answer to both of these questions is Yes!
Watch this short video to see for yourself. Happy gardening!
How to clean a vertical garden.
This is a simple, easy-to-follow video on cleaning a green wall by removing dead and yellowing leaves. This should be done every 2-3 weeks to keep your vertical garden looking its best.
Trimming a vertical garden
This short video shows how to prune a vertical garden and what to pay attention to when trimming a green wall. This should be done every 3-4 weeks to keep your vertical garden looking its best.
Preparation of plants for a vertical garden.
This short video shows how to prepare a plant for your vertical garden and how to replace a plant on a green wall in the Vertical Planter system. Our root wraps can be used many times, and the adaptable nature of our walls means you can change the plants on the wall as and when you feel.
Replacing drippers on the vertical garden
This short video shows how to replace the dripper in the Vertical Planter system. Open-circuit green walls should have their drippers replaced at least once every 12 months. Closed-circuit vertical gardens and mobile living walls, once every 6 months.
When two panels meet…
This short film shows the correct positioning of material between two panels in the Vertical Planter system. After installing the panels, it is important to check whether the material is placed correctly. Wrong-felt positioning may cause leaks, but luckily correcting this mistake is easy to do.