Outdoor green walls

Over a three-year period from 2015-2018, in partnership with the Department of Landscape Design and Conservation of the Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, we conducted research into developing the optimal construction of a “vertical garden for outdoor use”. The study investigated different materials for wall construction and species of plants suitable for outdoor walls in Poland.   We are continuing our research by testing different species of plants on our building in the Lublin region, about 250 m2 of garden.

Based on the conducted research and analysis, we have designed the optimal system for hydroponic vertical gardens.

We believe a system with the following to be the best possible way to create an outdoor wall:

  • Weight – does not exceed 25 kg/m2
  • Quick and simple assembly.
  • Thermal wall insulation

Survival of plants on external green walls Poland depends to a large extent on the external conditions, such as weather and temperature, throughout the year as well as an appropriate selection of plants.

We will be happy to help you choose materials for self-installation of an external green wall.


Urban areas are constantly exposed to pollutants from vehicle emissions, industrial development etc These emissions and their degree of toxicity can dramatically affect the health and well-being of residents. The shrinking of green areas within cities in favour of new developments or infrastructure has only compounded this further.

The changing urban environment

As urban environments change to face the needs of an evolving population, there are both positive and negative impacts on those who live there. The main cause of unfavourable changes in the urban environment is the elimination of surfaces and materials which retain water and release it to the environment during dry periods as a result of evaporation or transpiration. This applies to the increase in water-impermeable surfaces, i.e., pedestrian and road surfaces as well as buildings.

Rainwater from such places is discharged into the sewage system and thus irretrievably lost. In addition, there is a reduction in the area of grass and the number of trees and shrubs that moisten the atmosphere through transpiration. The transpiration process reduces daily temperature fluctuations and improves thermal comfort in the environment. In addition, vegetation has the ability to absorb pollutants that settle on the surface of leaves or are absorbed by stomata. However, the progressive reduction of green areas is related to the inevitable civilization process. Hence the search for innovative solutions that will allow to increase biologically active areas in urban space. For several decades, green roofs have been promoted as an alternative to traditional forms of greenery in the city. However, these solutions are of partial importance to the general population of the city, as green roofs are located at heights inaccessible to most users of streets and squares.

The hidden benefits of outdoor vertical gardens

Most people are aware that plants produce oxygen whilst absorbing carbon dioxide. But they can also have benefits for mental health by bring nature into the heart of the city in an accessible way. In addition, they add aesthetic value to building and can add prestige projects by becoming an element promotion for the business who have installed them.